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summer figs carpaccio

9 Reviews
summer figs carpaccio
Gesamt: 20minSchwierigkeit: Super EasySalateMediterran

With summer coming to an end September brings us a time where amazing figs can be found, Soft and mermalaid like in the center while being juicy and sweet.

This recipe brings the figs as the main protagonist and uses different types of acidity in the form of vinegar, cheese, and black berries to balance the sweetness of the figs as well as elevating its flavors.


  • instruction-1
    Schritt 1/5

    Start y slicing the figs in 1cm slices ( go as thin as you can without destroying the fig) and place them gently in a plate. If you want the figs to be thinner than you actually cutted them try putting olive oil on the figs, covering them with backpapier and gently pressing them to thin them out)

  • Schritt 2/5

    Once the figs are place on the plate to desired thickness, proceed to generously coat them in olive oil ( in order for this dish to work a good olive oil is important. Sprinkle the salt on top of the figs.

  • Schritt 3/5

    Being careful splash a few drops of the white wine vinegar on to your figs ( try not to over season with vinegar) in general its better if a few figs are left untoched by the vinegar than if theres an excess of it.

  • Schritt 4/5

    Cut the black berries in half and place them around the dish ( not that it matters but a good ratio would be 1 half of black berry for 2-3 slices. Again , the black berries are there to add a sweat sour taste not to over power the fig

  • Schritt 5/5

    Break the gorgonzola into pieces around the dish. Personally, i love gorgonzola but in situation ( just like in the picture) I need to use another chesse.

    If gorgonzola is not your cup of tea, id recommend using a pit of parmesan or a nice piece of hard pecorino



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