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"Tijuana" Fish Taco

10 Reviews
"Tijuana" Fish Taco
Gesamt: 30minSchwierigkeit: MediumHauptspeisenMexikanisch

Although not truly Mexican and not truly Colombian, this taco always brings me back to laid back evenings on a beach somewhere in Colombia. Sipping on a cold beer or enjoying smooth tequila. As with any taco the key is in the tortilla so I really suggest to go the extra mile and make them yourself with farina masa and water. But if not possible just make sure you re heat the tortillas with a bit of steam so they are not so dry.


  • Schritt 1/4

    Dice in what ever size you desire the veggies and roughtly chop the herbs and combine them in a bowl along side the juice of 5 limes, salt, pepper, and the olive oil. Taste and adjust with more lime or salt. at the end it shoul be a bit sour but you should feel the sweetness of the pineapple.

  • Schritt 2/4

    Make 3 different bowls

    1 with the eggs. beat them till combined

    1 with the flour, spices and salt, mix till combined

    1 with the bread crumbs.

  • Schritt 3/4

    Heat your frying oil of choice to 170-180 defrees. in the meantime prepare the sardines by passing by the bowls.

    First through the flour, then the eggs and lastly on the breadcrumbs.

    store them in fridge till ready to fry.

  • Schritt 4/4

    Fry the sardines till golden and crispy. Dont worry about the heads as they are delicious and also edible.

    to assemble the taco just grab your hot tortilla and put a spoonful of salsa on one side and a nice sardine on the other. Add a pinch o sea sal, cayene, paprika & lime if you want



4,7 von 5 Sternen

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