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Super simple and straight forward recipe perfect for big gatherings and lazy evenings!
It must be said that its is crucial that both the salt and the fish are of the best quality! I also recommend using limoncello on the marinade.
For better results its better to get big fish ( of around 3kg or more like Sea Bass or Ombrina ( even a red snapper if you can find one and feel a bit like splashing out ;)
This recipe should serve up to 6 people and paired with a nice white wine ( or a natural wine like a heinrich) and a simple salad can make your dinner with friends or family special.
Start by cleaning and scaling off the fish skin. Grate the garlic and ginger and rub the fish everywhere with the olive oil, garlic and ginger (maybe a bit of pink pepper corns or normal pepper for a bit of heat).
After letting the fish rest for 30 minutes, stuff the inside of the fish with the whole dill, parsley, some ginger slices and some lemon slices.
Prepare the salt mixture by combining the salt with the white wine. For this we are looking for a "wet sandy texture" Once this is finished get your baking tray and make a layer on the bottom of the pan with salt. Place the fish and cover it with the rest of the mixture ( everything except the head)
On a pre heated oven at 210 degrees bake your salt covered fish for around 45-60 min. you will know the fish is ready wehn you put a toothpick through the salt and it comes out moist while some liquid coming out.
Take out of the oven and let rest for 5-10 min. Gently take the salt from the fish and carefully take the skin out to reveal the juicy and tender flesh. Portion on the spot and enjoy with a nice glass of wine!
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