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Empanadas de pipian ( home version)

8 Reviews
Empanadas de pipian ( home version)
Gesamt: 3hAktiv: 1hSchwierigkeit: MediumSnacksSüdamerikanisch

I hope theres no controversy on this one, this is a version of the colombian empanadas I grew up with. And ive tried to adapt as much as possible to european ingredients.

A note on the dough. If you can, buy Harina Pan from prosi or your closest exotic supermarket. It will make making the dough easier. I put corn flower to the recipe as a possible alternative.

For the sauce, be patient the more you cook it he more flavor, color and depth it will get.

This recipe is perfect for this wierd transition between summer and fall as it hits all the nostalgic notes plus... its fried heaven


  • Schritt 1/9

    Start with the sauce ( it can stay cooking while you do the rest of the recipe)

    Finely but roughly chop all the onions and 1/2 of garlic but please dont stress yourself in being perfect. You can even grate them or put them in the food processor but be carefull not to make it super liquid.

  • Schritt 2/9

    In a large wok put a generous amount of oil ( like 1 laddle ) and on medium high heat start sweating the onions. In the mean time, peal and finely dice the tomatos ( dont pass them through the food processor you want them sort of intact so it allows the jam to actually become a jam and not a sauce.

  • Schritt 3/9

    Once the onions are slightly brown add the tomato paste and cook for around 1 minute. Then add the chopped tomatos and turn on high heat for 5 mins. then lower the heat to medium low and let simmer

    If the jam starts becoming to dry ( which it might) just add a bit of water every now and then.

  • Schritt 4/9

    Now that the jam is cooking

    Peal your potatos and cut them in wedges, put them in a pot with cold water and boil them. cook them till... its a bit embarrasing to write like this but till they are cooked.

    Then super fast mash them to reduce starch creation. Add minced garlic, salt, pepper and taste

  • Schritt 5/9

    Once your jam is ready add salt and squeeze of lime and optionally koriander. you should get a savory sweet and sour taste.

    once you are happy with the jam add 1/4 to the mash potato as this will season the filling of the empanada. Optionally you can add to the feeling

    Peanuts and olives

  • Schritt 6/9

    For the dough,

    Please make sure you bought Harina pan at prosi as the recipe will be super easy to make

    just add 1 cup of harina pan to a bowl and mix with 1 1/4 cups of water and a pinch of salt. let rest for 1 min and its done.

  • Schritt 7/9

    To shape the empanadas

    make golf ball sized balls out of the dough

    place them in between 2 plastic bags and with a pot press till a circle is formed. ( a tortilla press really helps)

    Then place a tbl of fillin in the center, fold into a half moon, press the air out. And with a fork press the edge

  • Schritt 8/9


    On a big wok prepare frying oil to 180 degrees ( in an electric stove thats achievable by putting between 7-8 heat out of 9.

    take 4 empanadas at a time and fry them for atleast 2 mins on each side.

    Serve them with lime to squeez and that delicious tomato Jam!

  • Schritt 9/9

    Not actually a step But

    The tomato jam will keep in the freidge for like a week +

    And you can absolutely make the empanadas and directly freeze them. Which makes this a very accessible dish to prepare the night before the party.



4,9 von 5 Sternen

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