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Chili oil

5 Reviews
Chili oil
Gesamt: 12h 15minAktiv: 15minSchwierigkeit: EasySoßen, Dips & AufstricheChinesisch

Chili oil has made waves on the internet in the past few years. Though used most commonly in Chinese and Southeast Asian cuisines, people now swear by it on avocado toast, soups, fried eggs, and even ice cream. Adjust to your taste and enjoy on whatever your heart pleases. Personally, I like it to sauce up my noodles, rice, or a cucumber salad.


  • Schritt 1/6

    Wash and sanitise a glass jar. If your jar is food-safe it should be heat proof, otherwise use a bowl and transfer the chili oil to a jar once cooled.

  • Schritt 2/6

    Add the chili flakes, minced garlic, sugar, pepper, soy sauce, and optional gochugaru to the jar.

  • Schritt 3/6

    Add your neutral oil to a sauce pan over medium heat. Careful to make sure the pot is dry before adding oil, otherwise it will splatter. Keep oil on medium heat for 5 minutes.

  • Schritt 4/6

    After 5 minutes, add the optional fragranced herbs (cloves, star anise, bay leaves) and leave in the oil for 2 minutes. Watch carefully to make sure they do not burn, reducing the heat if necessary.

  • Schritt 5/6

    Remove the spices in the hot oil and discard. Carefully, pour the hot oil into the jar of chili flakes. The mixture will bubble so pour slowly. The jar will be extremely hot so leave it to cool, uncovered, at room temperature for about 30 minutes.

  • Schritt 6/6

    Stir the jar with a clean utensil, cover, and let the flavor develop overnight in the fridge. Store the mixture in the fridge for up to one month, using a clean utensil every time.



4,6 von 5 Sternen

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