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Fennel and Blood Orange Salad

11 Reviews
Fennel and Blood Orange Salad
Gesamt: 10minSchwierigkeit: Super EasySalateHausmannskost

This salad makes the best of winter produce with crunchy fennel and juicy blood oranges. The combination is simple but the pairing packs a punch!


  • Schritt 1/3

    Wash and thinly slice the fennel bulb, careful to remove the root and stems. Toss with the red wine vinegar.

  • Schritt 2/3

    Peel and finely slice the blood oranges and remove the excess pith.

  • Schritt 3/3

    Combine all ingredients in a serving bowl and drizzle with olive oil. Sprinkle with salt and pepper to taste and decorate with fennel fronds.



4,8 von 5 Sternen

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