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Vegan Cinnamon Buns

10 Reviews
Vegan Cinnamon Buns
Gesamt: 2h 40minAktiv: 30minSchwierigkeit: EasyBrot & Gebäck

Nothing beats the irresistible aroma of cinnamon buns fresh from the oven.


  • Schritt 1/7

    Warm oat milk to 42 celcius degrees. Add in yeast and then sugar, 0,5 tsp salt and 1,5 tsp cardamom. Next stir in flour and start kneading. After a few minutes, add 75g of the softened butter. Continue kneading the dough for about 8-10 minutes.

  • Schritt 2/7

    Trasnfer the dough to a bowl and cover with a towel. Allow the dough to rise for 1 hour to 1 ½ hours, or until doubled in size.

  • Schritt 3/7

    Prepare the filling by mixing rest of the butter (125g), rest of the cardamom (1,5tsp), rest of the salt (0,5tsp), cane sugar and zimt together.

  • Schritt 4/7

    After the dough has doubled in size, transfer it to a floured surfare and roll out into a rectangle. Spread the filling evenly on one half and fold the other half over. Cut into 15 strips. Twist the strip from the ends in opposite directions. Then roll it round and pinch the other end under the bun.

  • Schritt 5/7

    Let the buns rise for an hour under the towel.

  • Schritt 6/7

    Preheat the oven to 220 degrees (celsius). Brush the buns with oat milk and sprinkle pearl sugar on top. Bake in the oven for about 8-10 minutes, until golden brown.

  • Schritt 7/7

    Extra tip: You can brush the buns with a sugar syrup to achieve a shiny and crispy surface. Make the sugar syrup by mixing one part water to one part sugar and then bringin it to a boil. Brush the buns with syrup immediately after coming out of the oven.



4,9 von 5 Sternen

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