Kennst du schon unsereEinkaufslisten-App? 🔥🛒
These crackers are just addicting and guess what?
They are gluten free and vegan (-:
Mix all the dry ingredients in a medium bowl.
Mix all the wet ingredients in another bowl.
Pour the wet ingredients over the dry ingredients, and mix vigorously for a minute. The mixture will be fairly liquid.
Preheat oven to 160 degrees.
Line a flat oven pan with baking paper and pour half of the mixture into the pan.
Using the back of a spoon, patiently carpet the batter for a smooth, even surface.
Bake for 45 minutes (after about 25 minutes it is recommended to rotate the pan in the oven to create a uniform baking).
Cool well and break into uneven pieces of the desired size. Store in an airtight box - stored for about two weeks!
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