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14 Reviews
Gesamt: 20minAktiv: 15minSchwierigkeit: Super EasySuppen

When you have no time to cook but you want to eat something healthy and delicious this soup is the answer.

Quick, full of flavor and so cozy!



  • Schritt 1/3

    Peal the potatoes and cut them to cubes.

    Cut the leek, onion and garlic.

  • Schritt 2/3

    Put the oil in the pot and then add the onion and fry for few minutes then add the leeks, potatoes and garlic.

    Fry and Saluten everything.

  • Schritt 3/3

    Add the water and black pepper and let it all softened once it’s soften smash it and enjoy!

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4,9 von 5 Sternen

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