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Zucchini and leek tart

5 Reviews
Zucchini and leek tart
Gesamt: 30minAktiv: 10minSchwierigkeit: EasyVorspeisenEuropäisch

Veggie tarts are an excellent way to show off good produce and take very little effort. Excellent as a main, side, or aperitivo, this zucchini and leek tart is both beautiful and delicious.


  • Schritt 1/5

    Start by washing and drying the zucchini and leek and slicing them into thin rounds.

  • Schritt 2/5

    Roll out the dough and spread the vegan cream in a thin layer, leaving a 2cm border around the edges of the pastry.

  • Schritt 3/5

    Place the sliced zucchini and leek in alternating layers to create a pattern. Scatter the capers and top the tart with salt, pepper, and oregano.

  • Schritt 4/5

    Bake at 200C for 15-20 minutes until the tart is golden and the vegetables are cooked through.

  • Schritt 5/5

    Remove from the oven and drizzle the olive oil and balsamic reduction on top. Slice and serve warm.



4,6 von 5 Sternen

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