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Sweet & Spicy Tofu

11 Reviews
Sweet & Spicy Tofu
Gesamt: 25minSchwierigkeit: EasyHauptspeisenAsiatisch

If you like Tofu, you will love this dish. It’s spicy, tangy and slightly sweet – the perfect umami-flavor. The heartiness of the fermented Korean chili paste (Gochujang) in combination with soy sauce, ginger and fresh garlic really makes this dish. The sauce is poured on top of crispy pan-fried tofu and served with steaming rice, scallions and toasted sesame seeds.


  • instruction-1
    Schritt 1/6

    Gently dab the tofu with some paper towels or a clean kitchen towel – if you want, you can

    press the tofu with a tofu-press or in between two heavy objects to get rid of excess liquid.

  • instruction-2
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    Cut the tofu into small cubes of about 1,5cm and mix with cornstarch in a bowl.

  • instruction-3
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    Now finely dice the garlic cloves and ginger and combine in a small bowl with

    soy sauce, agave syrup, rice vinegar, sesame oil and water. Add Gochujang or a similar chili

    paste and mix well.

  • instruction-4
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    Heat up the oil in a pan and fry the tofu cubes until golden brown and crispy.

  • instruction-5
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    Pour the mixture from step 3 on top and let it simmer on medium heat for around 7-10 minutes.

  • instruction-6
    Schritt 6/6

    Serve with rice and garnish with thinly sliced scallions and toasted sesame seeds.



4,9 von 5 Sternen

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