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Smoked salmon sushi bowl with sweet wasabi dressing

4 Reviews
Smoked salmon sushi bowl with sweet wasabi dressing
Gesamt: 55minAktiv: 25minSchwierigkeit: Super EasyHauptspeisenJapanisch

Sushi is delicious and it can be easy to recreate the flavors at home with a simple swap: smoked salmon. Rich avocado and salmon, crunchy cucumbers, salty seaweed, and pickled onions pair perfectly with this sweet wasabi dressing. Using all the essentials of a regular sushi roll, this bowl makes for a quick lunch and if you have leftover rice then there's no cooking involved!

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Wien und Umgebung




Wien, Salzburg und Umgebung, Teile von NÖ und Burgenland


  • 50 g Räucherlachs
  • Reis
    100 g Reis
  • Avocado
    75 g Avocados
  • Sesam
    1 TL Sesam
  • Nori Blatt
    1 Stk Nori Blatt
  • Gurke
    50 g Gurken
  • Pickled onions

  • Zwiebel, rot
    1 Stk Zwiebel, rot
  • Apfelessig
    125 ml Apfelessig
  • Wasser
    125 ml Wasser
  • Zucker
    1 TL Zucker
  • Sweet wasabi dressing

  • Wasabipaste
    1 TL Wasabipaste
  • Honig
    1 TL Honig
  • Reisessig
    1 TL Reisessig
  • Sojasauce
    2 TL Sojasauce
  • Wasser
    1 TL Wasser
  • Sesamöl
    1 TL Sesamöl


  • Schritt 1/5

    Finely slice the red onion and submerge in a jar with sugar and the equal parts water and vinegar. Leave minimum 1 hour but best overnight. These will last in the fridge up to 30 days.

  • Schritt 2/5

    Cook rice to package instructions and allow to cool to room temperature.

  • Schritt 3/5

    Combine wasabi, honey, soy sauce, rice vinegar, sesame oil, and water in a small bowl. Mix until the dressing is smooth and set aside.

  • Schritt 4/5

    Slice your cucumber into thin rounds and seaweed sheet into fine strips. Open and dice your avocado.

  • Schritt 5/5

    Layer the cooled rice, smoked salmon, cucumber, seaweed, avocado, and pickled onions in a serving bowl. Top with the sweet wasabi dressing and sesame seeds. Serve.



4,5 von 5 Sternen

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