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Empanadas Yucatecas

8 Reviews
Empanadas Yucatecas
Gesamt: 2hAktiv: 1hSchwierigkeit: EasyHauptspeisenMexikanisch

Mexican food in other continents will hardly taste the same as what a Mexican knows. For me it has been very difficult to live without Mexican food now living abroad. But I am very grateful to my grandmother for explaining her recipes to me on the phone and now I want to share with you this version of Yucatecan empanadas, with accessible ingredients and with the same flavor of southern Mexico. Something that tastes like my childhood and that was often ready on the table when I got home from school. A delicious meal that comforts you and is perfect for sharing!



  • Schritt 1/9

    Cut the red onion into thin slices. Cut the coriander very tiny and mix together in a bowl. Squeeze enough lemon to cover all the onions. Add pepper and oregano. Let it set. After a few hours you will have a very soft onion cooked in lemon juice :)

  • instruction-2
    Schritt 2/9

    Bring the tomatoes into a boil, then take the skin off and blend them with 1/4 of onion. This is your salsa, bring it to a boil again with a splash of oil and add salt to taste.

  • Schritt 3/9

    Crumble the feta cheese in a small bowl

  • instruction-4
    Schritt 4/9

    Boil 4 big potatoes and make a purée, add a cup of maizena, paprika, garlic powder and salt. Knead until you have a dough that does not stick to your hands.

  • instruction-5
    Schritt 5/9

    Make balls (around 3cm diameter) with the dough and press them down with a rolling pin between two square sheets of baking paper (or with a tortilla presser) till you get a nice round tortilla shape (around 10cm diameter)

  • instruction-6
    Schritt 6/9

    Fill the tortilla with cheese (meat or vegetables) and fold it in half. Use your fingers to join the edge.

  • instruction-7
    Schritt 7/9

    The oil needs to be really hot. You can make a tiny ball with your dough and drop it inside the pan with the oil. If bubbles come around the little ball immediately that means is ready to start frying.

    When the empanadas change to a golden brown color, they are readyyy

  • instruction-8
    Schritt 8/9

    After frying the empanadas you can let them drain on kitchen paper.

  • instruction-9
    Schritt 9/9

    Last step is to serve with the tomato sauce, the soft onions, feta and some cream if you like! Enjoy <3

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